Embedding Video

How do you spend a good Saturday afternoon? You try to implement streaming of video on your website. Been digging around trying to figure out how to host and serve your own video, becoming independent of YouTube, Vimeo etc. So far the answer, from a Wordpress perspective, have been to install the

Bowers & Wilkins 50 years anniversary

Since Bowers & Wilkins are celebrating their 50th year anniversary creating speakers, I found it a good occasion to bring back and dust off my good old trusty B&W 805 Matrix speakers, having them back in the home stereo. Though my 805's are "only" 19 years old (they were introduced in 1993),

Waterfalls – Music Video

Vand - En collage i Billeder, Krop og Lyd

Endnu et uddrag fra Ringsted Musik- og Kulturskoles forestilling "Vand" fra d. 14 & 15 April 2016. Medvirkende er: Solist: Cheilia Haslund Christiansen Guitar: Lucas Tell & Bjarke Almer Frederiksen Bas: Carl Gerner Kallehauge Trommer: Magnus Christiansen Arbejdet med at få klippet de mange timers optagelse sammen skrider roligt frem, godt halvvejs